Moving to permanent residence in Bulgaria. The pros and cons of immigration and the price of real estate
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Permission for permanent residence in Bulgaria is one of the possibilities for obtaining citizenship in this country. The peculiarity of this method of naturalization lies in the long time spent on the procedure. Before that, you need to get a residence permit. Then periodically renew it. The minimum period for obtaining permanent residence, in this case, is 5 years.
To apply for permanent residence, you must submit to the migration service the same set of documents as for permanent residence, but without medical insurance. For obtaining a permit, you need to pay 100 euros, and for a permanent residence tax – 510 euros. If a person receives consent from the Migration Service, he must go in person to the nearest branch and fill out the relevant documents there. These include:
•two photographs of a standard size of 3.5 × 4.5 cm;
•passport and immigration card;
•birth certificate of children (if any);
•marriage certificate;
•a letter from the Migration Service on obtaining permanent residence;
•documents for real estate (if available in the country).
Results are usually ready within 2-3 weeks.
Accommodation Features
Bulgaria is located in the southern part of Europe. The state economy is based on the following sectors: agriculture, tourism, services, and the light industry. The monetary unit is the Bulgarian lev (designated лв and BGN).
Living conditions directly depend on the city. The capital, Sofia, is located in the west of the country. Business life is active here. There is an opportunity to earn good money, but high prices do not allow most emigrants to live here. The city of Plovdiv is located in the center. There are educational institutions and many students live here. Varna is a seaside resort. Residents earn a lot of money in summer, but in winter, businesses are inactive here.
Future living conditions will directly depend on where the emigrant settles and what he will do. Advisable to pre-buy or rent an apartment. Compared to other EU countries, Bulgaria is considered a poor country. This has its advantages and disadvantages.
Pros and cons of immigration to Bulgaria
Like any country, Bulgaria has its characteristics in issues of immigration. Some people feel comfortable here after moving, while others experience only negative emotions. We list the advantages that the state offers for its future citizens:
•Favorable climate and ecology. There is pure nature, many resorts, and places for recreation. In the north of the country, there are mountains where it is cold in winter. And in the south, there is a Mediterranean climate. The conditions are well-suited for relaxing on the beach.
•Relatively low prices in the secondary real estate market. At the same time, the quality of housing is at a high level.
•Bulgaria is a member of the EU. And this is a great opportunity to do business in Europe. The country has a low law on profit – only 10%.
•Security of all spheres of life. This is reflected in the low level of crime and the legality of doing business.
However, no country is without disadvantages. For Bulgaria, the following disadvantages are relevant:
•High unemployment. High salaries here are not enough even for the local population. Therefore, many native Bulgarians leave for more developed countries.
•Expensive fuel. The price for it is constantly growing, following the indicators of the EU countries.
•High prices for utility bills.
•Car parking. There are many cars in the country, and often there is not enough space to park them. Therefore, near houses or shops, cars are parked close to each other.
•Poor road surface. Unlike other EU countries, Bulgaria has a problem with roads.
Real estate price
To obtain an immigrant visa D (Д, long-term), you must provide documents confirming that you have housing for a long stay in the country. Ideally, this is your own home, but you can rent an apartment or house. In this regard, many potential emigrants have logical questions about property prices in Bulgaria.
Private houses are more often sold in rural areas. Usually far from the sea. Their price ranges from 10 to 40 thousand euros. The cheaper the house, the farther it is from the city and the sea. Many of them require cosmetic or major repairs. The cost of a cottage in a resort village in 2022 is at least 130 thousand euros.
Apartments are not that expensive. The average price of housing will be 70 thousand euros. You can find options for 30 or 40 thousand, but they are located far from major cities and the sea. Premium apartments cost from 100 thousand euros and more. Realtors offer land for sale for further development. The price of one square meter depends on the location and ranges from 30 euros in the most remote places to 1200 euros near the capital. After the purchase of the land plot, it is necessary to begin construction shortly.
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