
Republic of Guinea: how to move for permanent residence and obtain citizenship of Guinea

Residence permit
Republic of Guinea: how to move for permanent residence and obtain citizenship of Guinea

Guinea is a republic on the west coast of Africa with a population of more than ten million people. The main language is French, which is a legacy of the French colonization of Guinea in the first half of the 20th century, although other African languages are also spoken here.

The economy of the Republic of Guinea includes the public and private sectors. The country is easily self-sufficient in food products, and most of the labor force is employed in agriculture at the subsistence level. We add that some crops are grown for export, and there are also excellent prospects for the development of forestry and fisheries. The state has good natural resources, thanks to which the bulk of income increases. Conakry, located right on the Atlantic coast, is the capital of Guinea, the country's largest city, and a center of culture and education.

The climate in Guinea is tropical, with a typical rainy season from April to November. At the same time, the temperature is high all year round, without sudden changes throughout the year. Such climatic conditions will suit anyone who decides to move to the Republic of Guinea for permanent residence.


Entry to Guinea: do I need a visa?

When planning a move for permanent residence in the Republic of Guinea, the first thing to do is to answer the question: do I need a visa? For all foreign residents who plan to visit Guinea, regardless of the purpose of the visit, a minimum single-entry visa is required. Generally, visa requirements vary depending on the nationality of the applicant. Foreigners are advised to check with the Guinean embassy or consulate in their home country to see if they are eligible to visit that state. A single-entry visa (VCS) is issued to foreign nationals who declare their desire to enter Guinea for a period not exceeding 90 days.

The documents:

• original foreign passport, valid for 6 months from the date of entry into the country;

• passport size photo (light background);

• a scanned copy of the data page of a valid passport;

• air ticket with the return date of departure;

• yellow fever vaccination certificate;

• insurance policy. You can buy insurance with one click on the website https://visitukraine.today. The service is offered in several categories, including insurance with covid coverage.


How to get permanent residence and citizenship in Guinea

You can obtain the status of permanent residence in the Republic of Guinea by:

• family reunification;

• employment;

• getting an education;

• running your own business.

To do this, you need to open the following types of visas:

1. Long stay visa (VLS). This permit is issued to foreign citizens who wish to obtain permanent residence status in Guinea. Its validity period is 1 year from the date of issue. The conditions of a long-term visa depend on the purpose of your stay in the country, the basic list is the same as for a single-entry visa, but additional documents that you need to present are:

• If the resident plans to work, an employment contract and work permit approved by the authorities is required.

• For running your own business, a permit to practice a free profession is issued by the competent authorities if such a permit is required.

• In the case of family reunification, a document confirming marital relations for spouses, or parental relations for minor children.

• If the goal is to study in Guinea, it is necessary to submit an official letter from the educational institution and a certificate of registration from this institution.

• For the internship, an internship agreement in the country must be provided, indicating clear dates.

2. Multiple entry visa (VESRM) is issued to those foreign citizens whose country has a special contractual relationship with the Republic of Guinea for multiple stays in the country for permanent residence. The list of documents is the same as for a single-entry visa. Its duration varies from 3 to 5 years.

There is also such a procedure as visa extension. This type of permit is issued to foreign citizens based on a previous or existing type of visa. The documents:

• original foreign passport, valid for 6 months from the date of entry into the country;

• passport size photo (white background);

• a scanned copy of the pages of the passport, where there is data;

• scanned copy of the previous visa.

Guinean citizenship is usually acquired according to the principles:

1. Nationality at birth (children born in this country to at least one parent who has Guinean citizenship; children legally adopted by a Guinean parent).

2. Citizenship by naturalization. Applicants are generally required to have resided in the country for five years, without a criminal record, and have a health certificate and proof of financial means to live.

Before planning immigration to the Republic of Guinea, we recommend that you seek additional legal advice regarding immigration issues for permanent residence (residence/immigration) on the website.