
Universities in Albania: how to get a student visa, required documents and tuition fees

Universities in Albania: how to get a student visa, required documents and tuition fees

Albania as of the summer of 2022 is a candidate for EU membership. The standard of living is comparable to many European countries. The country has a system of secondary and higher education. Both citizens of Albania and people who come from other countries can study. In order to study at an Albanian university, you need to apply for a visa, as well as confirm your ability to pay.

Differences between the old and the new education system

The education system in Albania changed significantly in the 1990s compared to the early period when the communists were in power. This is due to the fact that the training program and the foreign policy of the state have changed. In addition, many people have moved from villages to big cities. Therefore, there was a need for a large number of educational institutions.

It is important to remember that two-thirds of the Albanian population are Sunni Muslims. This fact affects culture and education. In the mid-1990s, the country faced the fact that the education system was destroyed and forced to be reborn.

Currently, the Albanian government is trying to build an education system following the example of Western European countries. At the center of such a system are the student and the acquisition of modern knowledge. The emphasis is on mathematics and the humanities. Universities meet modern requirements and programs.

Structure of education

The entire education system is divided into two parts — public and private. Secondary education is free and compulsory. The first stage is from 1st to 4th grade. The second stage is from 5th to 9th grade. The third stage is from 10th to 12th grade. Instead of completing grade 12, students after grade 9 have the right to go to special technical schools and schools for vocational education.

After receiving a complete secondary education, a person has the right to enter a higher educational institution. To do this, you must pass the entrance exams and pay tuition. This requirement is also valid for foreigners.

Albania has public and commercial universities. There are branches of European and American educational institutions. Therefore, in the country you can get a diploma that is quoted all over the world. The most popular of them:

  • University of Tirana.
  • Polytechnic University of Tirana.
  • Agricultural University of Tirana.
  • Epoka University.
  • Ismail Qemali University of Vlora.
  • Catholic University "Our Lady of Good Counsel".
  • Medical University of Tirana.
  • University of New York in Tirana (University of New York Tirana).
  • Marin Barleti University.
  • University of Arts (University of Arts).

There are more than 30 universities in the country, 11 of which are public. Most are located in the capital, in the city of Tirana. The most demanded professions are medical, economic, and legal. The cost of education in the respective faculties is the highest.

Obtaining a student visa

For a long-term stay (more than 90 days) on the territory of Albania, you must apply for a category D visa. A visa must be opened in advance at the Embassy or Consulate of Albania. To do this, the prospective student must submit the following documents:

  • a certificate from an educational institution on enrollment or study;
  • copy of student card;
  • bank confirmation of the student's solvency.

As a confirmation of solvency, a sponsorship letter can be used, made on the letterhead of the sponsoring organization. The cost of obtaining a visa is 50 euros.

Cost of education

Paid education is practiced in private and public universities. According to statistics, only 18% of students study for free. Recently, there has been a constant increase in the cost of education. This is due to the general trend of higher education costs in Europe. Average price per year by specialty, US dollars:

  • business — 2630;
  • finance and banking — 2570;
  • law and jurisprudence — 3000;
  • management — 2630;
  • economics — 2670;
  • philology — 2330;
  • psychology — 3100;
  • pharmaceuticals — 2580;
  • information technologies — 2530;
  • education and pedagogy — 2420;
  • political sciences — 3100;
  • marketing — 2640
  • engineering sciences — 2470.
  • In the countries of Western Europe, the prices for education are not high. However, the ranking of universities is quite low. Therefore, few foreigners are trained. Most of the students are locals.