
Travel insurance: where to buy insurance and how to safely save on it

Travel insurance: where to buy insurance and how to safely save on it

Most countries require tourists to have health insurance not just for safe travel, but also to obtain a visa or residence permit. Find out where to buy travel insurance and how to save safely

Order a legal consultation from a local specialist in visa and migration issues
Order a legal consultation from a local specialist in visa and migration issues

Migration legislation obliges tourists and expats to take out medical insurance. If you decide to get a visa or a residence permit in most countries of the world, you will not be able to do it without a policy. Also, insurance can significantly simplify life in many unforeseen situations.

How to choose health insurance: step-by-step instructions.

European Health Insurance Card. Read here how to get preferential medical care in the EU countries.

Travel insurance: 8 useful tips for travelers and expats can be found here.

Feel at home in any country in the world! Protect yourself from unforeseen expenses and situations during your trip by taking out reliable insurance.

What are the benefits of health insurance?

In addition to the basic service package, which includes assistance in emergency situations, transportation to a medical facility, outpatient and inpatient care, many additional options can be added that will make your policy a truly useful document.

For example, luggage insurance, programs for sports and active recreation, insurance in case of trip failure, even your property can be insured for the period of absence. Just choose the most suitable options for the specifics of your trip, travel safely and save money at the same time.

Where to buy insurance for a visa or residence permit?

You should definitely buy insurance policies only from verified agents. On the Visit World portal, you can purchase reliable insurance that has many advantages: packages for entering any country in the world, payment guarantee, online payment, a reliable policy in your mail in just a few minutes.

To apply for insurance, follow the link, choose the nationality and country you are interested in.

Importantly! The policy must be issued no later than 1 day before departure.

We wish you good travels!

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