
Legal services for expats in Germany: when a foreigner may need expert advice

Residence permit
Legal services for expats in Germany: when a foreigner may need expert advice

Living in a new country is always a challenge. When moving, migrants are often faced with the problem of finding housing, language barriers, and more. Find out more about when you may need the services of a lawyer in Germany

Order a checklist - step-by-step instructions for moving to Germany and obtaining a visa
Order a checklist - step-by-step instructions for moving to Germany and obtaining a visa

Every year, many foreigners move to Germany for permanent residence. The country has a high standard of living and wages. Also, Germany is one of the safest countries in the world. Germany has a highly developed infrastructure, an effective state and law enforcement system. The German labor market opens up great opportunities for expats, and the country's universities also welcome foreign students.

Find out all about the rules for obtaining a work visa, its types and the documents required here.

Find out how to obtain a work permit in Germany in 2023 for Ukrainians here.

However, moving to a new country is always associated with certain difficulties. Planning a change of residence should begin with getting to know the migration policy of the future country. For legalization in Germany, a migrant must obtain a visa or a residence permit.

German immigration law is very complex and dynamic, as the rules are constantly changing. Also, the influence of European legislation on the national legislation of the country can confuse a foreigner even more.

What are the features of the country's migration policy and when may the help of a specialist be needed? Read in our material.

Read more about healthcare in Germany for foreigners, insurance and medical tourism here.

How to immigrate to Germany?

You need a good reason to immigrate to Germany. The most common are employment, getting an education, running a business, reuniting with family, etc.

Also, a foreigner must pass an exam on knowledge of the German language at the A1 or B1 level, prove financial stability, have health insurance and issue a visa.

Legal advice on immigration to Germany will be a great start to planning your future move. A qualified specialist will help weigh all the risks, choose the easiest way for immigration and provide answers to all the expat's questions.

Visa and residence permit in Germany

The German Residence Act is the legal basis for issuing and extending residence permits to foreigners who plan to come to or are already in Germany. In German, the Residence Act is called Aufenthaltsgesetz or AufenthG.

According to the Act, a foreigner can legally reside in Germany on the basis of a visa, a temporary residence 1permit ("Aufenthaltserlaubnis"), a permanent residence permit ("Niederlassungserlaubnis"), an EU Blue Card ("Blaue Karte EU") or an EU permanent residence permit ("Erlaubnis zum Daueraufenthalt-EG").

The visa is usually issued for a short period (up to 3 months). Foreigners can move to the country on the basis of a national visa, which is issued depending on the purpose of the visit: a business visa, a visa to study in Germany, a job seeker visa, an employment visa, a visiting scientist visa, a study/internship visa or a reunification visa family.

A temporary residence permit is issued for a longer period - from 1 to 3 years, but also based on the purpose of the visit, which is specified in the German Residence Act (family reunification, language courses, study, work, etc.).

A foreigner issues a visa at the German embassy in his/her country of residence, then after entering Germany during the validity period of the visa, a residence permit must be issued.

If a foreigner has lived in Germany for a certain period of time and meets certain requirements, he can apply for a permanent residence permit ("Niederlassungserlaubnis").

Each type of visa and residence permit has its own peculiarities and subtleties. A foreigner must choose the appropriate type of visa, collect a certain list of documents, fill out consular questionnaires.

When moving to permanent residence, in addition to preparing documents for obtaining a permit, it is necessary to obtain a certificate from the fiscal authorities about the absence of debts, deregister from the registration authorities of the country of origin, obtain a passport with a note about residence in another country, etc.

Changing the place of residence is quite a complicated process. German legislation has many peculiarities, so an immigrant may need legal support at any stage of organizing a move. To resolve all issues quickly and in accordance with current legislation, contact an experienced team of lawyers in Germany. 

Read more about the types of work visas in Germany and how to get one here.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents in Germany;

Legal advice for business in Germany;

Immigration lawyer services in Germany;

Travel and health insurance for foreigners in Germany;

Insurance for foreign students in Germany.

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