
How Ukrainian refugees can stay in Germany after the war: detailed information

For refugees
How Ukrainian refugees can stay in Germany after the war: detailed information

After the outbreak of hostilities in February 2022, the German government granted temporary protection status to hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens. Having lived in this developed country for a long time, numerous Ukrainians have expressed a desire to stay in Germany. Learn more about the ways and opportunities for Ukrainians to stay in Germany after the war

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Ukrainians are currently staying in Germany under the temporary protection status of Aufenthaltstitel, which allows them to work, do business, receive social services and study. However, when the war in Ukraine ends, Ukrainians will have to leave Germany. There is an opportunity to obtain residence permits to stay in this country legally.

How Ukrainians can stay in Germany after the war

There are several possible ways for Ukrainians to stay in Germany after the war. One of the most important steps is to obtain a residence permit, or Aufenthaltstitel. This document is issued on the basis of a specific purpose of staying in the country, such as study or work. The validity of the residence permit can vary from 6 months to 3 years. To obtain this document, citizens must prepare all the necessary documents in advance, as well as documents confirming their purpose of stay.

Students should pay attention to financial issues and have sufficient support to cover the costs of staying in Germany, approximately 930 euros per month. While to obtain status on the basis of a work contract, it is important that the work corresponds to the education, and a residence permit is not issued to unskilled workers.

Other alternatives include marriage, Jewish emigration, German roots, a business visa, a blue card, or a freelancer visa. The main thing is that your activity must be economically interesting for Germany and profitable. Each option requires careful adherence to the rules and compliance with the requirements of migration policy.

Temporary protection status for Ukrainians in Germany

Temporary protection status (Aufenthaltstitel) for Ukrainian citizens in Germany is not an individual refugee status, but it is a special permitted form of residence created by the EU countries specifically for Ukrainians who are in Germany because of the war. This status gives Ukrainian citizens the right to social support, employment, education, as well as to start their own business and receive state scholarships. However, it is important to keep in mind that if the stay of Ukrainians in Germany becomes unsafe, they will have to leave the country and return to Ukraine.

Conditions for obtaining a residence permit for Ukrainians in Germany 

To stay in Germany, you need to obtain a residence permit, known as an Aufenthaltstitel. However, this is only possible if you have other purposes for staying in the country. The most common reasons for obtaining a residence permit in Germany are employment or study. In such cases, a residence permit can be obtained for a period of 6 months to 3 years. After the permit expires, it must be renewed.

However, the requirements for permanent residence in Germany are much stricter. To do so, you must meet the following conditions: live in Germany on the basis of temporary status for at least 5 years, have your own housing, a stable income, insurance, German language skills and pay taxes.

The procedure for preparing for a residence permit for Ukrainian citizens in Germany

Ukrainians who intend to stay in Germany can start preparing now. Those who plan to pursue education must have financial support for the entire period of study, which amounts to approximately 930 euros (37390 UAH) per month.

For refugees seeking to obtain a residence permit on the basis of a work contract, it should be borne in mind that the work must be in line with the education. Work permits are not granted to unskilled workers. In such a case, it is recommended to think carefully about the future profession, change jobs or start studying.

In addition, there are other possibilities for obtaining a residence permit, such as a business visa, a blue card, and a freelancer visa. It is important to remember that the activity must be profitable and economically interesting for Germany.

Moving to Germany is also possible on the basis of family ties, such as family ties or marriage, Jewish emigration, or having German roots.

Igor Usyk - Head of Legal Department at Visit World

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More articles on the topic:

Immigrants are leaving Canada: how the government is slowing down the rate of expatriation.

Restrictions on social benefits for migrants in Sweden: who is affected by the latest reform.

New rules for migration control in Germany: important information for refugees.

Migration policy: EU border changes in the global rules for accepting migrants.

How to start a business in the Czech Republic: A detailed guide for Ukrainians.

Residence rights for Ukrainians in Germany: legal issues related to stay.

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