Everything about health insurance and visa for treatment in Spain

Spain is a sunny, tourist country. But despite this, medicine in this country is one of the best in the world. According to the WHO, Spain's medical system ranks 4th in terms of quality. Often, treatment abroad helps to solve various health problems that are difficult to solve in one's own country. Treatment in Spain is considered very effective and because of this, many foreigners come here.
The country has public and private medicine. State medicine in most cases is free here. However, despite the excellently developed state medicine, private medicine is often used even by citizens of the country. The medical system in Spain is financed by taxes from working citizens. Therefore, almost 94% of the population can use free medicine in any part of the country.
For more information on health insurance in Spain for foreigners and a guide to the healthcare system, click here.
European Health Insurance Card. Read here how to get preferential medical care in the EU countries.
Find the best jobs in Spain for foreign nationals in 2023 here.
Medical assistance for foreigners
Foreigners who come to Spain are also entitled to free treatment. However, for this, they must have a residence permit (padrón). If you are in the country illegally, medical care is only available to you in an emergency. Pregnant foreign women in the country also have the right to medical assistance and management of the entire pregnancy, provided they have a residence permit. Pregnant women and children under the age of 18 can use medicine without registration.
You can also get a medical card, which gives you the right to use medical care in clinics and emergency departments. f you work officially in Spain, you get completely different health insurance, for which you need to pay monthly contributions through your employer.
For a foreigner to obtain such a medical card, it is necessary to register in the country and obtain a certificate. Next, you search for a polyclinic at your place of residence. You take a residence permit, and a copy of your passport and fill out an application at the polyclinic. Then, you will first receive a temporary card, and later a permanent one. You can get an appointment with the district doctor the next day after the appointment. However, if you need a specialized specialist, the waiting time can be several weeks.
All state clinics are equipped with the most modern equipment. Professional doctors work here, so the quality of services here is high. In private clinics, all services are paid for. An important advantage is the absence of queues and the ability to quickly get to the right specialist. Those who need immediate medical care can get it at the branches of the Spanish Red Cross - Cruz Roja Española. If you have minor health problems, you can get them by buying drugs at a pharmacy. Most medications can be purchased without a prescription.
Advantages of private health insurance in Spain
Despite the high level of state medical care, often not only foreigners choose private clinics. Let's consider the advantages of private medical care:
- saving time and no queues;
- you can undergo an examination without any referral;
- you can visit a gynecologist more often (in a state clinic, this is allowed 3 times a year);
- high level of comfort (during treatment you get an individual room with air conditioning, TV, and other amenities);
- speed of service (you do not need to wait several weeks for an examination, tests, or surgery);
- you can choose your doctor with whom you will be comfortable;
- savings on dental services (since state insurance does not cover dental treatment).
You can order insurance from us on the website, as well as consult with a legal specialist about the possibilities of your health insurance.
Visa to Spain
To go to Spain for treatment, you need to get a visa. To do this, you need to prepare a package of documents:
• passport;
• copies of all pages of the national passport;
• 2 photos (3.5x4.5);
• a certificate from the place of work or an educational institution;
• certificate from the bank about financial possibilities;
Also, additional documents may be required, such as:
- birth certificate and marriage certificate;
- real estate documents;
- translation of documents into English.
To go to Spain for treatment, you need to carefully read all the necessary information, find a clinic, and prepare documents. Here you can get quality medical care if you follow all the rules and regulations.
An important step in any move or trip is the successful obtainment of a visa or residence permit. You can find out more about the types of visas in Spain, the rules for applying for them, and what documents are required here.
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