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Travels Where to go on holiday: 15 budget countries to travel in 2023

Where to go on holiday: 15 budget countries to travel in 2023

Do you want to go on vacation without all the money in the world? We have collected a selection of the 15 cheapest countries for travel, where your vacation will be rich, interesting and without unnecessary expenses. Find out more in which countries you can spend a vacation on a budget

05 Jan. 2023

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1 min

Investment Real Estate sales in Turkey in 2022: analytics and statistical indicators

Real Estate sales in Turkey in 2022: analytics and statistical indicators

The real estate market of Turkey during 2022 was actively developing. In particular, a high growth of foreign investments was observed. Find out in more detail which countries' citizens buy real estate in Turkey the most

04 Jan. 2023

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Education Is it difficult to learn the Turkish language: features, stages and time required for learning

Is it difficult to learn the Turkish language: features, stages and time required for learning

Learning the Turkish language is the most important step towards self-realization in the country. Find out in more detail how difficult it is to learn Turkish, what its features are and how long it will take to fully understand

03 Jan. 2023

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Popular Croatia entered the Schengen and switched to the euro: what will change for the country, migrants, tourists?

Croatia entered the Schengen and switched to the euro: what will change for the country, migrants, tourists?

Croatia became part of the Schengen area from January 1, 2023, as well as the eurozone, replacing the kuna with the euro.

02 Jan. 2023

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Popular Early booking for Turkey holiday packages in hotels: what is known about the new accommodation tax and who has to pay for it

Early booking for Turkey holiday packages in hotels: what is known about the new accommodation tax and who has to pay for it

The new tax on early booking holidays in Turkey will come into force on 1 January 2023. Find out more about how the changes in legislation will affect tourists booking their Turkey travel guidelines

01 Jan. 2023

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Travels When is the best time to go to Turkey: seasonal itineraries, event calendar and Turkey travel guidelines

When is the best time to go to Turkey: seasonal itineraries, event calendar and Turkey travel guidelines

Turkey is a country that you can visit at any time of the year. Find out the best time for a Turkey holiday packages, national holidays and Turkey travel warning

31 Dec. 2022

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Investment Turkey's Golden Passport: property purchase, investment programs and changes in legislation from 2023

Turkey's Golden Passport: property purchase, investment programs and changes in legislation from 2023

Obtaining citizenship of the country for participation in the state investment and migration program is called a "golden passport". Find out what the conditions are for obtaining a "golden" passport in Turkey and whether it is true that this country has one of cheapest citizenship by investment

30 Dec. 2022

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Education Study in Turkey: preparation programs, entrance exams, advantages and disadvantages, Turkey scholarship

Study in Turkey: preparation programs, entrance exams, advantages and disadvantages, Turkey scholarship

Study in Turkey is gaining popularity among international students. The country's universities are among the top best educational institutions in the world. Among them are Ankara university and other cities. Find out more about the preparatory programs, entrance exams and the Turkey scholarship

29 Dec. 2022

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