
Education and the education system in Mexico: obtaining a student visa, popular universities in Mexico

Education and the education system in Mexico: obtaining a student visa, popular universities in Mexico

   Education in Mexico also has a pretty good level and understandable system of education. Many students and researchers from around the world are attracted to the study of the environment, history, culture, and anthropology. 

  Studying in Mexico is a great option for students interested in languages and research. Many graduate programs are available to suit students of all backgrounds. Studying in Mexico does not require prior knowledge of Spanish. There are excellent methods of teaching and learning Spanish in Mexico, so students can read, write and speak the language fluently. In addition, students must have a degree from a recognized university in their home country.

Structure and Educational System

  Preschool education consists of nursery (2-3 years) and kindergarten (3-6 years). Compulsory preschool education is free everywhere.  

  Secondary education: consists of public and private schools. Public ones are divided into fee-paying (for foreigners) and free. And complete secondary education (15-17 years) operates on the principle of dividing the curriculum into technical and academic fields of study. 

  Higher education. Higher education in Mexico is structured through universities and colleges, of which there are about a hundred in the country. In this educational system there are three degrees of study:

Licenciado (licenciado) is the main degree. It implies three years of study and a diploma thesis. Depending on the profession chosen by the student, he/she may be asked to prove his/her knowledge through a practical part or by passing a professional exam.

The master's degree (maestria) is the next degree, which consists of a year or two of scientific research.

The degree of doctor of science (doctrado) is awarded after some complex research followed by a dissertation. The training lasts for two years.

  Mexico has more than 1,200 colleges and universities and offers a wide variety of programs. The cost of education in Mexico is lower than in other developed countries. The cost of a bachelor's degree in Mexico varies greatly depending on the school and course. Annual tuition at public institutions in Mexico ranges from $378 to $818. For a bachelor's degree, private institutions typically charge $1,636 to $16,353 XNUMX per academic year for tuition. An important criterion for applying to a public university is the applicant's high level of knowledge. 

  The largest institution of higher education in the country is the National Autonomous University of Mexico, located in the capital. Here students are offered not only education in the university itself, but there are also two dozen faculties, more than a dozen research institutes, many different preparatory colleges, etc.

  The leading Mexican universities are the Instituto Politecnico Nacional, the Universidad Pedagogica Nacional, the Universidad Iberoamericana, the Colegio de Mexico, the Universidad la Salle, the Universidad Autonoma Metro and the Autonomous Universities of the states.

  All of Mexico's universities are organized into a National Association. Most universities are members of international university unions, so students can count on the opportunity to intern abroad, and participate in various exchange programs, international conferences, and other events, which greatly increases the level of education.

Obtaining a student visa

  A visa is required for all visitors to Mexico, including citizens of the United States. For international students who want to stay in Mexico for less than 180 days, a visitor's student visa is required. To study in Mexico for more than 180 days, international students must obtain a Mexican student visa. A temporary Mexican resident visa includes a Mexican student visa.

  If an international student plans to stay in Mexico for more than 180 days, they must obtain a Mexican student visa. Mexican student visas come in two types:

Temporary Resident Student Visa, which is for students who plan to study for more than 180 days.

A guest student visa is for students who want to stay less than 180 days and take a short-term course.