
How to get medical assistance for a foreigner in Nigeria

How to get medical assistance for a foreigner in Nigeria

The Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN) is a country in the Western part of the African continent located on the Atlantic Ocean. The state has a huge potential (a country rich in oil and natural gas) and a lot of resources. But, unfortunately, such an industry as medicine and the healthcare system in Nigeria is very poorly developed. Like many other countries in Africa, Nigeria is one of the leading countries in such highly infectious diseases as AIDS/HIV (the country's main problem), hepatitis of all types, tuberculosis, meningitis, malaria, and yellow fever. Only half of the population in the NFR has access to clean drinking water, so outbreaks of intestinal infections are also very common. Due to the complete lack of vaccination programs in the NGF, there is a high incidence of poliomyelitis. Attempts to help other countries of the world in the medical treatment of all these ailments today are futile.

The poor level of health care delivery can be inferred from the average life expectancy data in Nigeria. Despite the fact that it is one of the largest countries in Africa in terms of population, the average age of life for men is only 61 years, and for women - 64 years.

Consider the main reasons that affect the failure of medical care in Nigeria:

1. Unstable political situation and high level of terrorism in the country.

2. Poor development and implementation of projects aimed at improving the quality of life of the country's citizens.

3. Insufficient development of health infrastructure.

4. Insufficient funding for the medical sector (including the purchase of equipment for clinics).

5. Lack of investment.

6. Medical insurance is also poorly developed. Only a small part of the population has health insurance. For the rest, treatment is paid.

In general, Nigeria has a well-developed education infrastructure for the training of medical personnel. There are more than 10 good universities in the country for studying medicine and surgery, and more than two dozen schools and colleges of the same profile. And also, there are schools of dentistry and a pharmaceutical school. However, the most highly qualified doctors are leaving Nigeria, and thus there is an acute shortage of promising medical personnel.


How and where to get medical care in the FRN

The healthcare infrastructure of the FRN is divided into public and private hospitals. Most of the medical services are provided in medical institutions of a private nature. In private clinics, it is mandatory to provide an insurance policy. Insurance must be arranged in advance, before traveling to Nigeria. How and where this can be done, we will tell in the section on the main recommendations for foreigners.

Public hospitals (including intensive care units) in Nigeria for adults and children are located only in large cities, mostly in the capital Abuja. If you need to receive medical treatment of acceptable quality, you should familiarize yourself with the list of the best clinics in the FRN:

1. Reddington Hospital, Lagos.

2. Noma Children's Hospital, Northern Nigeria.

3. Modern clinic Abuja, Abuja.

4. St. Nicholas Hospital, Lagos.

5. Clinic "Bridge", has branches in the cities of Lagos and Abuja.

Each of these hospitals offers comprehensive medical care. It also has modern equipment, an ambulance service, a favorable environment, and qualified medical staff.


Basic recommendations for foreigners

If you have planned travel and tourism to Nigeria, remember that medicine in the country is paid for, including calling an ambulance. As mentioned earlier, it is definitely worth taking care of travel insurance with sufficient insurance coverage. 

In addition, this is one of the most exotic countries, so you should adhere to security measures. Before traveling it is recommended to do: vaccination against malaria, yellow fever, typhoid fever, poliomyelitis, and hepatitis A and B. Water from taps, both for drinking and brushing teeth, is regarded as completely unsuitable. Therefore, local water must be at least pre-boiled.

Read more about the rules for entering the EU for employment purposes and how to obtain a visa here.

Read more about why Nigerians are moving to Europe here.