5 ways to immigrate to Canada

Canada is one of those countries that people often want to immigrate to. This is not surprising, because Canada is one of the most developed countries in the world, with a high standard of living and great opportunities. Although the process of immigration to this country is complicated, it is quite possible. In this article, we will consider the most popular ways to go to Canada with the possibility of obtaining citizenship.
Read the top 15 myths about immigration to Canada here.
Express Entry immigration program
A few years ago, Canada opened a new advanced project for immigration to this country — Express Entry. This program selects highly qualified immigrants who can move to Canada efficiently and quickly. Here, candidates go through a special assessment based on the information in the profile. Points under this system are calculated according to the following factors:
- work experience and professional skills;
- education and knowledge of English or French;
- language skills and education of the wife or husband, or partner in a civil marriage;
- having a job offer is a great advantage;
- availability of a permanent residence program;
You can, living in another country, apply for this program and try your hand at making your dream come true.
Business Immigration
You can also immigrate to Canada under the program for entrepreneurs and business partners. The goal of this program is to create new jobs in Canada. If you have an actual idea or business plan that can impress the Canadian authorities, then this plan may well be successful. However, this program has the following selection points:
- you must have $300,000 worth of personal property or business property;
- hire at least one Canadian;
- conduct business in this field for at least 3 years.
Immigration through the learning process
This is currently the most popular way to immigrate to Canada and obtain citizenship. However, this is probably the most expensive way. Under this program, you enter a Canadian public university, study at your own expense (the cost of education per year varies from 16 to 40 thousand), then receive a diploma of educational attainment. Then, you open a work visa, and after gaining work experience in your specialty, you can get residency and then citizenship in Canada.
Immigrate through marriage to a Canadian
This is a popular method of immigration in many countries. However, this alone is not enough in Canada. This process is quite long and can drag on for years. And your partner living in Canada must sponsor your stay for 2 years. Since trust and mutual understanding should arise between partners. Such marriages are also checked and monitored. At the interview, both you and your partner will be asked many different provocative questions to check whether you have a real marital relationship.
Immigration due to refugee status
There is also a real chance to leave the country without a visa and apply for refugee status right at the border. You must have special forms to fill out with you. If you don't have one, you can fill everything out on the spot, and then go for an interview. If you can convince the officer that you are forced to flee your country, then you may well be able to successfully immigrate to Canada.
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