
Turquoise Card in Turkey: who can get it, application procedure and advantages

Residence permit
Turquoise Card in Turkey: who can get it, application procedure and advantages

A special residence permit in Turkey, which is issued to highly qualified workers, investors, businessmen, scientists, athletes and artists, is called the Turquoise Card. Find out how the Turquoise Card differs from a residence permit, its advantages and the application procedure

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Turquoise Card is a special residence permit in Turkey, which is issued to highly qualified workers: investors, businessmen, scientists, athletes and artists.

Read more about obtaining Turkish citizenship through investment here.

How does the Turquoise Card differ from a residence permit?

A foreigner who plans to live and work in Turkey must issue a temporary residence permit (usually for 1 year). This document does not give an automatic right to employment, and after its registration, the migrant must apply to the Ministry of Labor of Turkey, where he receives a work permit. A permanent residence permit can be obtained only after 3-8 years. Therefore, many foreign workers undergo the above-mentioned procedure every year.

Taking into account the above-mentioned features, the Turkish government issued the law on the Turquoise Card as an alternative solution for the annual extension of the residence permit. That is, the turquoise card is an analogue of the American "Green Card" or "Blue Card" in the European Union, which provides the right to permanent residence and work in the country. The document has a certain number of advantages, but also some peculiarities in design.

Advantages of Turquoise Card

The Turquoise Card in Turkey is considered a work permit or residence permit without a specific term, and cardholders have priority in obtaining Turkish citizenship. Along with the applicant, the wife or husband and children under 18 receive documents for legal stay in the country.

The holder of a turquoise card enjoys the same privileges and rights as citizens of Turkey:

• Residence, travel, work, investment, business, inheritance, movable and immovable property and remuneration. However, if the law requires a person to be a citizen of Turkey, the rights and benefits do not apply.

• They have priority in obtaining Turkish citizenship.

• They are released from compulsory military service after obtaining Turkish citizenship.

• Can hold public office and have the right to vote and stand for election.

Who can get a Turquoise Card in Turkey?

A Turquoise Card can be issued by foreigners whose activities are aimed at the development of Turkey in various fields: economic, scientific and technical, cultural, sports, etc. The applicant must have high professional experience and relevant qualifications:

• Foreigners who are recognized as highly qualified workers with a sufficient level of education, salary, professional knowledge and experience, etc.

• Foreign investors with high qualifications, such as the amount of employment they will provide, investment and export potential, contribution to the development of science and technology, etc.

• Scientists or researchers who have contributed to scientific and technological development or who conduct research at the international level from the perspective of Turkey's interests in science, industry and technology.

• Foreigners who have achieved success at the international level in terms of cultural, artistic and sports activities,

• Foreigners who have contributed to the recognition and promotion of Turkey or Turkish culture on an international platform and work at the international level on issues related to Turkey's national interests.

• Foreigners who have any interstate travel bans, have a disease that may threaten public health, and pose a threat to the order and security of Turkey will not be considered.

Turquoise Card registration procedure

An application for a Turquoise Card is submitted electronically to the Ministry of Labor of Turkey. It is completed by entering information and copies of documents into the system.

Foreigners legally residing in Turkey can do so using their foreign identification number.

If the applicant lives outside of Turkey, the documents must be submitted through the official Turkish embassy in the country of residence.

Applications for the Turquoise Card can also be submitted by authorized brokerage agencies on behalf of foreigners in Turkey and abroad.

List of documents:

• statement;
• a copy of a passport or other identity document;
• a diploma, an employment contract or a document confirming appointment to a position;
• investors must show the balance of funds in the bank account, the number of jobs, documents confirming solvency, business location and documents confirming the field of activity;
• scientists and researchers must provide a diploma of education, documents confirming a scientific degree, documents on obtaining any licenses, information on the presence of a patented trademark or product;
• artists, artists or athletes must prove their success at the national or international level;
• foreign citizens who contribute to the development of Turkey and Turkish culture must provide documents confirming their internationally recognized status.

Download the step-by-step guide on how to issue a Turkish Turquoise Card: https://visitworld.today/turkey/us-citizenship/products/checklist-turkey

How is the evaluation of submitted documents?

After receiving the package of documents, the representatives of the authorities study it and evaluate it according to the point system. Applications that receive a sufficient number of points during the calculation receive a positive response.

Evaluation criteria:

• A highly qualified employee - education, reputation of a higher educational institution, salary level, work experience, level of knowledge, knowledge of a foreign language and experience of working in highly qualified workplaces.
• Investor - documented or registered investments (investing capital in Turkey, opening a business in the country, buying real estate, etc.), the level of exports and employment, the quality of the sector, region and business to be invested.
• Scientists and researchers - academic title, work experience, work in strategic sectors of the country's economy, patent registered by national or international bodies, trademark or license, innovative activity and similar achievements.
• Athletes - national athlete certificate, national or international degrees and awards, club licence, national or international club success and similar achievements that prove professional level.
• Artists - quantity and quality of works, national and international awards and similar achievements that prove professional level.
• Foreign citizens who contribute to the development of Turkey and Turkish culture - advertising activities carried out at the international level and other achievements that will prove a high professional contribution.

Turquoise Card and Turkish citizenship

The first three years after the issuance of the Turquoise Card are called the transition period, during which experts monitor all the actions of the cardholder both in Turkey and abroad. The designated specialist prepares reports every 12 months according to established criteria. At the end of the 3-year period, if the overall picture is positive, within 30 days the foreigner receives a Turquoise card without an expiration date.

After receiving a permanent residence permit and working for a public or private company in Turkey, Turquoise cardholders can apply for Turkish citizenship 5 years after receiving the permanent residence permit.

In exceptional circumstances, a foreigner can obtain Turkish citizenship immediately after the transition period.
We also draw your attention to the fact that the Turquoise Card may be canceled if the work will be performed in violation of the law, the applicant will not live in Turkey for more than 2 years or will stop working for a period longer than 6 months, etc.

For мore details about the documents and rules for obtaining a residence permit in Turkey, see the link.

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