
Entry requirements to the EU for Nigerian citizens to find a job: how to get a visa

Entry requirements to the EU for Nigerian citizens to find a job: how to get a visa

Holders of Nigerian passports must obtain a visa to enter the EU. However, there are certain categories of Nigerian citizens who are exempted from obtaining it. We will tell you in which European country it is easiest for a Nigerian to obtain a work visa

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Many people consider Europe a good place to move and find a job, because the countries of the region have a developed economy, good infrastructure, high standard of living, quality medicine and education system.

Every year, the number of expats moving to European countries to live and work is growing. Nigerian citizens seeking a better life are no exception.

We have already talked about the peculiarities of employment of Nigerians in Europe and the best EU countries for immigration. Today we will talk about European work visa requirements for Nigerian citizens.

Read everything you need to know about the European work visa here.

How to get a work visa to Europe for Nigerian citizens?

Europe offers several work visa options for future workers. Among them, one of the most common work permits in Europe is the EU blue card – visa for the work of highly qualified workers. In some countries, it is possible to issue a work permit. However, most expats issue a long-term visa with the right to work.

Who is eligible for a European work visa?

Citizens of non-EU countries who wish to work in Europe can apply for a European work visa. To apply for a permit, you must have a job offer from a European employer and meet the qualifications set by the country in which you plan to work.

In which European country is it easiest to get a work visa for a Nigerian?

If you have the proper qualifications and the necessary skills, you can get a visa in any EU country. However, in most countries of the region, the permit issuance policy is quite strict. However, certain European countries have a more simplified visa procedure. These countries also offer additional visa options, for example, visas for digital nomads and freelancers.

Nigerians who have not yet decided which European country to move to, we advise you to pay attention to the following: Estonia, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, the Czech Republic. It will be easier to issue a permit in one of these states.

For what period is usually issued a work visa in Europe?

In most EU countries, a work visa is issued for a period of one year (12 months) with the possibility of its extension after the visa expires. However, in some states it is possible to obtain a permit for a longer period. Austria can issue a permit immediately for 2 years, and Denmark even for 4 years.

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Work visa requirements for Nigerian citizens in Europe

The list of documents for obtaining a work visa in Europe depends on the expat's country of future residence. However, there is a certain general list of documents that you must submit when applying for a permit:

- Application for a work visa.

- The passport is valid at the time of application.

- Passport photo.

- Certificate of criminal record. A document confirming that you have not committed any crime in the last 5-10 years.

- Contract with the employer. The document must indicate working conditions and your salary.

- Confirmation of professional qualifications for the job offered to you.

- Proof of residence.

- Document about education.

- Medical Insurance.

- Language proficiency certificate (if required).

Instructions on how to apply for a work visa for a Nigerian

The general process of applying for a European work visa includes the following steps:

Choose the European country in which you plan to work.

Get a job offer from an employer in this country.

Collect the visa application documents and pay the fee.

Apply for a work permit.

Get a work visa. You can apply at diplomatic missions in your country, neighboring countries, or online, depending on the visa-issuing country.

What is the cost of a European work visa?

The cost of a work visa in Europe varies from country to country, on average about 150 euros, the cheapest visa in Germany is 75 euros, the most expensive in Finland is 690 euros.

How long does it take to apply for a European work visa?

The time it takes to process a work visa depends on the country and industry you are applying for. Some countries may take two to six weeks to process your visa application, while others may take up to eight months or longer.

Find out all about the rules for obtaining a work visa, its types and the documents required here.

Can I move to the EU with my family?

A work visa allows you to bring your family with you if you have the financial means to support them and a place to live. You can move with your spouse, child under 18 and parents who depend on you. Some European countries allow you to transport your family members after you have spent a certain amount of time in the country on a work visa.

Read more about why Nigerians are moving to Europe here

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Medical insurance all over the world;

Legal advice from a local specialist on visa and migration issues (to receive the service, select the country of interest and citizenship).

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