
Best jobs in Spain for international citizens in 2023

Best jobs in Spain for international citizens in 2023

Traveling abroad is something everyone dreams of, especially those who are looking for new adventures. A great alternative to traveling is working abroad, which will help you build your career and get to know another country better. In particular, Spain. Find out more about the most popular jobs in Spain for expats, useful tips for finding a job, and how to get a visa to work in Spain

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Spain is recognized as one of the best countries in the world to move to, because the country has an affordable cost of living, an excellent health care system, a high level of public transport development, many places of interest and sights, an interesting culture, delicious cuisine and a warm climate. It is also quite easy to get a residence permit here. That is why about 500,000 foreigners - citizens of Morocco, Romania, Colombia, Great Britain and Italy - move to Spain every year.

Find the five best cities to live in Spain using the link.

Top 9 countries for which it is easiest to get a work visa: the best options.

However, finding a job in Spain can be quite difficult. The labor market  in the country is not developed at a very high level, and the unemployment rate is one of the highest in Europe - 14.8%. However, there are certain industries that are looking for highly skilled workers. Therefore, before moving, we advise you to check whether your profession is popular in the state.

What specialists are in the greatest demand here? We have prepared for you a list of the most popular vacancies in Spain among expats.

● Business consultant

Many international companies have a representative office in Spain. The most popular job among expats is the position of business consultant. Also, many foreigners work in the financial sector - as a manager or director.

Average salary: €22,000 - €24,000 per year;

Working hours: Monday - Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

● Vacancies in the field of IT

Expats with the right education and skills can find work in the IT industry. Most often, foreigners in Spain are engaged in software testing, coding and programming. Also, many people are working on the development of applications for iOS and Android.

Average salary: €34,000 - €79,000 per year;

Working conditions: remote work.

● Work in the mechanical engineering sector

The most popular positions in mechanical engineering are mechanical engineers and industrial engineers. The requirements for future employees are the availability of education and relevant experience, it is also important to have a basic level of Spanish to communicate freely with colleagues.

Average salary: €30,000 - €35,000 per year;

Working hours: Monday - Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

● Medical workers

Spain's healthcare system is considered one of the best in the world. Vacancies for medical workers are very popular in the country. Caregivers for the elderly are also often sought after.

The average salary of a doctor: €40,000 - €60,000 per year;

Working conditions: shifts (35 or 37.5 hours per week).

● Work in the field of tourism and hospitality

The tourism industry is developed in Spain at a very high level. In the largest tourist cities: Barcelona, Madrid and Seville, expats work as managers in travel companies, tour guides, guides or find work in the hospitality industry - they work in hotels, restaurants, bars, holiday organizers and entertainers, in amusement parks, on cruise ships, etc.

The largest database of vacancies for work in the field of tourism and hospitality is collected on the Turijobs portal.

Average salary: €20,000 - €40,000 per year;

Working conditions: about 40 hours a week.

● English teacher

Foreigners who are native speakers of English (that is, come from a country where English is their native language) often become teachers in Spain. You can be a private tutor or get a job at one of the country's universities. In some cases, a TEFL, CELTA or TESOL certificate is required for employment.

Average salary: €15,000 - €20,000 per year;

Working conditions: about 37.5 hours per week.

● Skilled workers

Many people in Spain are building houses or renovating their homes. That is why plumbers, electricians and welding mechanics are popular in Spain.

Average salary: €28,800 - €31,800 per year;

Working conditions: about 40-50 hours a week.

Useful tips for finding a job in Spain

● Which cities in Spain are the easiest to find a job in?

More opportunities to find a job in Spain in the big cities - Madrid and Barcelona.

● Where to look for work?

Most expats find work online. The best job search sites in Spain are Infojobs, Trabajos, Infoempleo, Indeed and Monster.es.

● How to make a resume?

As with resumes from many countries around the world, the most common order in a Spanish resume is reverse chronological order, meaning you list your most recent work experience and education first.

Key differences – unlike UK and US CVs, Spanish CVs must include a photograph of the candidate. The photo must be professional. Also, most recruiters expect to see some personal information in a resume, unlike resumes for other European countries. You must provide your basic personal details, including your date of birth, marital status and nationality.

We also recommend writing your resume in Spanish to immediately demonstrate your level of knowledge.

● How to pass an interview to a Spanish company?

If the interview is in Spanish and you feel like you need to brush up on your spoken Spanish, get a tutor to prepare.

Dress to impress. The recruiter will definitely appreciate your appearance, as well as what you wrote in your resume.

Prepare for the interview - learn more about the company you would like to work for.

● In which areas are the best conditions for work in Spain?

The engineering, IT, healthcare and hospitality industries offer some of the best working conditions in the country.

● Is it necessary to speak Spanish to work in the country?

Most jobs require knowledge of Spanish, so make sure you know a sufficient level of the language before moving.

● When is the best time to look for a job?

While many expats look for work before moving, it's usually easier to find work once you're already living in the country.

●How to get a visa to work in Spain?

In order to have the right to work in Spain, a foreigner must obtain a work visa. There are two types of visas for employment in Spain:

- Work visa - it is issued for work in a company/institution/organization in Spain.

- Self-employed visa - it is intended for starting a business, investing in an already established company/institution/organization in Spain or for working as a freelancer.

We talked about the available types of visas in Spain in detail earlier.

In order to apply for a work visa in Spain, you need to meet certain requirements and prepare a certain package of documents. A migration lawyer will help you understand all the intricacies of Spanish legislation. You can order a consultation from a highly qualified specialist using the link.

Visit World products for a comfortable trip:

Legal advice on businesseducationmedical treatment and immigration in Spain;

Travel and medical insurance for foreigners in Spain;

Insurance for foreign students in Spain.

We monitor the accuracy and relevance of our information. Therefore, if you see any error or discrepancy, please write to our hotline.

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