
Obtaining permanent residence in Fiji: pros and cons, naturalization and accommodation options

Residence permit
Obtaining permanent residence in Fiji: pros and cons, naturalization and accommodation options

Get legal advice from a local specialist in visa and migration issues in Fiji
Get legal advice from a local specialist in visa and migration issues in Fiji

The territory of Oceania looks like a real paradise on the planet. This is why emigrating to the region's island states is a fairly common desire for residents of many countries. One of the most popular options to migrate for permanent residency is Fiji. But before migrating to a foreign country, you should at least get acquainted with the peculiarities of life in your chosen destination. keep reading to find out how to settle permanently on the sunny shores of Fiji.

What you need to know about Fiji

The Republic of Fiji comprises more than 300 islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The population does not reach one million. Ethnically, the country's inhabitants are almost equally divided between Fijians and Indo-Fijians. Thus, the list of official languages, apart from English, includes Fijian and Fijian Hindi. The majority of the population is Christian, but followers of other religions can also be found in Fiji. Read our checklist on how to properly prepare for moving to Fiji.

Pros and cons of immigrating to Fiji

The exotic nature will be a huge advantage of living in Fiji, no doubt. After all, holidays on the ocean coast and spectacular views of Fiji's mountains covered in tropical forests create a vibe of endless summer. And the unique traditions of Fiji's indigenous people will introduce you to the local flair. In general, the country's population is quite multi-ethnic, so multiculturalism is an integral part of society. This makes the adaptation process much easier for foreigners.

But life in Fiji has some negative aspects. There is hardly any developed urban infrastructure here, so power blackouts are quite common. And a level of internet speed sufficient for a functioning workflow will have to be sought for some considerable time. The level of security in Fiji's cities does not stand out with high ratings. There is also a large difference in the cost of some goods, especially imports. Therefore, life in Fiji can hardly be called cheap.

Accommodation options for foreigners in Fiji

A work visa and any other visa card can contribute to obtaining a temporary residence permit. But for this, you should prove your financial security and guaranteed income. And the certificate is available to those who plan to invest in the Fijian economy. If the applicant's business plan and investment are approved, the value of which is less than 500 000 Fijian dollars – a temporary residence permit is issued for three years. But with a larger amount invested, you can be granted for 7 years.

However, a temporary stay in Fiji does not enable you to fully enjoy all the benefits of permanent residency. To obtain a permanent residency in Fiji, the applicant must apply to the Migration Service. By the way, you can apply for a permanent residence permit even remotely, and you can also apply for a visa online. In general, foreigners who live permanently in the country can extend their residency status an unlimited number of times. The permanent residence status differs from citizenship only in its lack of participation in the political life of the country, in particular voting in elections.

Naturalization of foreigners in Fiji

To obtain Fijian citizenship, a resident will need to remain in the country for a long period. In particular, five years of permanent residence in Fiji within the last 10 years is required. And all children of foreigners born in the country are automatically granted a Fijian passport. Marriage to a local Fijian also guarantees citizenship. A legal specialist can tell you more about the process of obtaining citizenship in Fiji.

Products from Visit World for a comfortable trip:

Checklist for obtaining a visa and necessary documents for Fiji;
Travel and medical insurance for foreigners in Fiji;
Legal advice on immigration to Fiji;
Insurance for foreign students in Fiji.