Work and employment in Mongolia: job prospects and requirements for applicants

Mongolia is a large country with vast steppes and great history. The state is located near China, the economy has been growing in recent decades, and international trade ties have been increasing. Mongolia's economy is based on industry, rural economy, and trade relations with China. The state has an abundance of minerals: coal, copper, gold, and uranium.
The country's population density is small, and unemployment is low, but there is a fairly large gap between the rich and poor classes of the local population. Slightly less than half of the inhabitants live in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, the economic, scientific, and political centre of the country. Many Mongolians go abroad to work, for example, in South Korea. It is quite realistic for skilled migrants to find good jobs, especially in the capital city.
Features and terms of employment
To find a job in Mongolia you must first of all use job websites or contact a recruiting agency. Working abroad very often means finding a job in advance, as in the case of Mongolia. A migrant gets the right to work with a work permit and a work visa. There are several employment options in Mongolia. To find a good and well-paid job in your specialty, it is important to know English, and ideally Mongolian, and to have a lot of work experience. Without knowing any languages, it is also possible to find a job. Working from home is also possible. Geologists, mine workers, and shepherds are often needed for seasonal work. And for temporary employment - mining workers, construction workers, and specialists in tourism. There are also shift and contract ways of labour activity, for example as a skilled welder.
Competition for jobs in Mongolia among foreigners is very significant. Moreover, a candidate must meet the requirements and be approved by all three Mongolian agencies responsible for issuing permits - the Immigration Agency, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the Labour and Welfare Agency.
One can stay in Mongolia for no more than 30 days without a work visa. So, one cannot work officially, except in the case of temporary work. To work officially, you have to sign an employment contract with your employer and then apply for a work visa. The employer must send the future employee a work permit, certified by the State Labor Service, and then sign the employment contract. The term of the work visa is determined by the duration of the contract with the right to an extension. Migration is possible after the work visa has been issued and one can start working.
The following documents are required to apply for a work visa:
•a foreign passport, as well as its previous copy;
•questionnaire (filled in);
•4 photographs;
•original and a copy of documents about the permission for the intended work;
•a letter from the employer about the job;
•information about the position, earnings, and the applicant's present savings;
Job prospects and requirements for applicants
The country's economy is built on trade relations with China, industry, mining, and agriculture.
The most in-demand occupations in Mongolia are:
•production worker;
Of course, for the successful result of signing a labour contract with a company, it is necessary to have a profile education, qualification, and work experience. In Mongolia, the official language is Mongolian. But for work, it is important to know English. Migrants should look for decent jobs in the capital and big cities. Rather promising work, in large cities, for example, would be the teaching profession. And the capital may well be considered for businessmen.
When doing business, it is necessary to apply for a business visa. Permits of this kind are issued to legal entities with the condition of having a letter of invitation from a partner firm in Mongolia. A foreigner has the right to become a single founder of the company. For this purpose, it will be necessary to make initial capital of 100 thousand dollars. Foreign investors have a legal opportunity to conduct business in the economic sector of the country. Also, business owners in their country can open a branch in Mongolia To work in the industrial sector, it is quite realistic to get a good job in the regional cities of Mongolia.
As for taxes, the system here is moderately acceptable and the following taxes are provided:
•income tax.
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