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5 min

Travels The 10 best places to visit in Canada right now

The 10 best places to visit in Canada right now

Travel to Canada. Picturesque places to visit in winter in Canada and plan an itinerary for future trips.

21 gru. 2022

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3 min

Residence permit Canada wants to welcome almost 1.5 million migrants by 2025

Canada wants to welcome almost 1.5 million migrants by 2025

The country's government plans to welcome 500,000 immigrants each year. This means that Canada's population is expected to grow by 1.5 million people over the next three years.

20 gru. 2022

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Education Interesting facts about the Canadian education system that you should know before you enrol

Interesting facts about the Canadian education system that you should know before you enrol

Features of school and higher education in Canada. We tell you about popular study programmes and scholarship opportunities for migrants.

19 gru. 2022

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2 min

Popular Passport Index has compiled a list of the most influential passports worldwide

Passport Index has compiled a list of the most influential passports worldwide

The Passport Influencer ranking has determined the world's strongest passport. Here we find out how affordable it is to travel and migrate if you are a citizen of Germany, the Arab Emirates, and many other countries.

18 gru. 2022

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2 min

Employment Why Germany needs millions of migrants. Talking about the new points system for employment

Why Germany needs millions of migrants. Talking about the new points system for employment

Germany hopes to combat the shortage of skilled workers with a new "opportunity card. It makes it easy to get a job in Germany.

17 gru. 2022

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4 min

Travels Selection of the largest cycling cities in the world and features of their rent

Selection of the largest cycling cities in the world and features of their rent

Guide for cycling in Germany, Denmark, and USA. Tips for budget bike rental and their prices in bike-friendly cities of the world.

16 gru. 2022

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2 min

Travels The world's top city destinations for tourists in 2022: Euromonitor report

The world's top city destinations for tourists in 2022: Euromonitor report

Spoiler: Europe confidently wins the tourism game

15 gru. 2022

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3 min

Expats Pros and cons of living in Germany: survey results and statistics

Pros and cons of living in Germany: survey results and statistics

Germany is attractive for its standard of living, many social benefits for residents, as well as the famous German autobahns, European standards and the degree of organization at all levels. Let's look at the features and pitfalls of moving to Germany.

14 gru. 2022

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