Medicine and healthcare system in Sao Tome and Principe: travel health insurance

The Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe is one of the smallest states in Africa by area. Located in an archipelago along the western coast of the continent. The population of the country is about 228 thousand people. It is one of the poorest countries in the world. This directly affects the medical industry and the possibility of treating various diseases. In addition, Sao Tome and Principe have a huge problem with HIV and AIDS. Since the number of medical institutions and drugs is not enough, the mortality rate among the population is high. Assistance in this regard is provided by various international organizations.
General description of the medical infrastructure
Before the emergence of the worldwide problem associated with the AIDS virus, the country's main problem in medicine was the malaria epidemic. And if the local population had some resistance to the disease, then most of the visiting foreigners were exposed to this disease. However, at the moment, the government of Sao Tome and Principe is cooperating with several international organizations that provide comprehensive support to the population of the country.
In particular, the Taiwanese government and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis provide vaccines, which have resulted in about 60% of the local population being vaccinated. In addition, since 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic broke out in the world, the population has also been affected by this disease, although to a lesser extent than in other countries. As of summer 2022, there are more than 6,000 people with COVID-19, which is about 3% of the total number of people.
Significant assistance to medicine in Sao Tome and Principe is provided by the European Command of the US Armed Forces as part of a partnership program with African countries. Thanks to this support, separate medical institutions are being created and restored in the country.
In itself, medical care in the country is free. However, the provision of medicines and equipment is insufficient. For a full treatment on the islands, you need to contact only hospitals located in large cities. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay for drugs and services on the spot. The main medical institution recommended for foreigners in case of health problems is Hospital Ayeres Menezes. It is located in Sao Tome.
Travel health insurance for Sao Tome and Principe
In connection with the problems described above, foreigners who, for one reason or another, are planning a trip to the specified state, are strongly advised to give themselves as many vaccinations as possible against the diseases common there. Naturally, the choice of vaccinations must be discussed with the attending physician and follow his recommendations. In addition, on the ground, try to observe hygiene and measures to prevent infection. It is better to buy water in stores, and not use it from open sources.
In addition, it is highly recommended to take out medical insurance before the trip. It can be of different types and includes various insured events. Accordingly, its cost will differ depending on the incoming services and the insurance company where the client wants to purchase it. However, when traveling to a country as unfavourable from a medical point of view as Sao Tome and Principe, it is better to buy health insurance with the maximum range of services. This will help protect the health of a foreigner in case of unforeseen circumstances and will make it possible to take him to another country to provide full medical care.
It is recommended to choose insurance that provides the following services:
•ambulatory treatment;
•doctor's advice;
•provision of drugs and necessary means;
•transportation to another country, repatriation.
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