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2 min

Investment Why Turkey is attractive place to invest: reasons to invest in the Turkish real estate market

Why Turkey is attractive place to invest: reasons to invest in the Turkish real estate market

Real estate has long been considered a stable and profitable investment option. In particular, Turkey is one of the markets that is increasingly attracting interest from global investors. Learn more about 10 reasons to invest in Turkey and where to invest in the Turkish real estate market

30 Nov. 2023

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Treatment The American health care system: an in-depth guide for expats

The American health care system: an in-depth guide for expats

The healthcare system in the United States is one of the most complex and most diverse in the world. To understand its features and deal with medical issues, it is important for expats to familiarize themselves with its main features, costs, accessibility of services and other key aspects. Learn more about the features of the healthcare system in the US

30 Nov. 2023

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Work What are the job opportunities in the USA for foreigners?

What are the job opportunities in the USA for foreigners?

Every year, a large number of immigrants arrive in the United States. For many of them, an important part of the American dream is finding a good job that will allow them to gain experience and put down roots in the country. Find out more about the US labor market, the most popular jobs, the average salary and where expats work in the United States of America

29 Nov. 2023

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For refugees Is it legal to cross the U.S. border to seek asylum?

Is it legal to cross the U.S. border to seek asylum?

Families are fleeing violence and persecution in their home countries, including unprecedented and growing humanitarian crises in Latin America, the Caribbean, Afghanistan, and parts of Africa, to find safety in the United States. Learn more about whether it is legal to cross the U.S. border to seek political asylum

29 Nov. 2023

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Investment Comparison of investment tools: pros and cons of real estate investing

Comparison of investment tools: pros and cons of real estate investing

Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of real estate will save you from future surprises at the stage of search, purchase, and then general operation. Find out more about the pros and cons of investing in real estate, as well as where to look for real estate for investment

28 Nov. 2023

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Events Green investment in Brazil: a study of sustainable development projects

Green investment in Brazil: a study of sustainable development projects

Brazil, with its vast territory and natural wealth, is in the spotlight for green investment and sustainable development. Over the past decades, the country has been actively considering and implementing various projects aimed at preserving the environment and reducing the impact of human activity on nature. Learn more about sustainable development and natural resource conservation projects in Brazil

28 Nov. 2023

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Transport Car Insurance for international drivers in U.S: what you need to know

Car Insurance for international drivers in U.S: what you need to know

When traveling in the United States or planning a permanent move, foreigners must obtain car insurance to drive legally in most states. Find out more about what car insurance in the US for expats and tourists is, how to choose the best expat car insurance company, and what determines the cost of an insurance policy

27 Nov. 2023

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Expats The United States needs more migrants to address labor shortages

The United States needs more migrants to address labor shortages

The modern economy of the United States of America is facing challenges related to labor shortages that affect various sectors and areas of the economy. To ensure sustainable economic growth, there is a need to attract more migrants. Find out more about the peculiarities of US migration policy, the main factors, possible consequences and prospects for attracting migrants

27 Nov. 2023

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