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Investment How to find new investment opportunities?

How to find new investment opportunities?

Investors are always on the lookout for new investment opportunities that can bring high returns. But how do you find them in a competitive and dynamic market? Learn more about the 7 best methods for finding profitable investment opportunities

21 Nov. 2023

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Expats Additional H-2B visas for FY 2024: the latest USCIS news

Additional H-2B visas for FY 2024: the latest USCIS news

At the beginning of the new fiscal year 2024, the USCIS announced a number of changes to the issuance of additional H-2B visas that may affect seasonal workers seeking employment opportunities in the United States. Learn more about the key points of these changes and their possible consequences

21 Nov. 2023

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Expats Category codes on the Canadian visa application form: main types and characteristics

Category codes on the Canadian visa application form: main types and characteristics

Canada remains an attractive country for migration, offering a wide range of immigration and work opportunities. However, to apply for a visa, especially for permanent or temporary status, you need to understand the different categories that exist on the visa application form. Learn more about the category codes on the Canadian visa application form and what they mean

20 Nov. 2023

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Expats Canada announces Immigration Levels Plan 2024-2026: how many immigrants is ready to accept

Canada announces Immigration Levels Plan 2024-2026: how many immigrants is ready to accept

Canada has released its Immigration Levels Plan for 2024-2026. According to the document, the level of immigration in Canada will remain unchanged compared to current targets. Find out more about how many new migrants Canada plans to accept each year

20 Nov. 2023

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For refugees Residence rights for Ukrainians in Germany: legal issues related to stay

Residence rights for Ukrainians in Germany: legal issues related to stay

The movement of persons from Ukraine to Germany is a topical issue involving numerous legal and legislative aspects. Learn more about the main issues related to the legal regulations governing the stay of Ukrainians in Germany

19 Nov. 2023

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For refugees How Ukrainian refugees can stay in Germany after the war: detailed information

How Ukrainian refugees can stay in Germany after the war: detailed information

After the outbreak of hostilities in February 2022, the German government granted temporary protection status to hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens. Having lived in this developed country for a long time, numerous Ukrainians have expressed a desire to stay in Germany. Learn more about the ways and opportunities for Ukrainians to stay in Germany after the war

18 Nov. 2023

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Investment Reasons to choose global investing: power of international investment

Reasons to choose global investing: power of international investment

Global investment provides access to investment opportunities that are not available in the domestic market. Learn more about the top 7 reasons to choose global investing for your real estate investments

17 Nov. 2023

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Expats How to start a business in the Czech Republic: A detailed guide for Ukrainians

How to start a business in the Czech Republic: A detailed guide for Ukrainians

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, millions of Ukrainian citizens have been forced to leave Ukraine and go abroad. Most of them chose the EU countries, including the Czech Republic, as their temporary residence. Learn more about the rules for starting and running a business for Ukrainians in the Czech Republic

17 Nov. 2023

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