
Work in Belgium: a work visa, the Belgian labor market in practice

Work in Belgium: a work visa, the Belgian labor market in practice

Belgium is a small European country, but with a well-developed economy and standard of living. The country is washed by the North Sea and is an important international political centre. A stable economy and high wages encourage more and more potential workers to come to Belgium for work and immigration. After all, the country gives work permits not only to citizens of EU countries but also to all other countries, even with the possibility of living here.

Advantages of employment in Belgium

Belgium is a developed country that can provide good jobs with high wages and provide a decent pensions. Salaries here are among the highest in the EU. Therefore, work immigration is quite developed and popular here. There is also a high level of social protection for the population for both locals and foreigners. Even the lack of education will prevent you from finding and getting a job here. Employers handle all documents for employment here.
Therefore, it is very important to find a company that you would like to work for and that will take on these responsibilities. Also, a big advantage is that having official employment here, you can apply for a residence permit in Belgium. And this will allow you to freely move around the EU countries, and later get citizenship. Doing business in Belgium requires all laws of honour and justice. After all, the entire business structure here is based on honest relations between business partners. Investing in the country's economy is possible, and by the way, it involves minimal risks.

How to find a job

Those who speak English and French well have a good chance of finding a job in Belgium. It is also important to have qualification certificates and education documents.
 You can look for work in Belgium:
  • at the labour exchange;
  • through Belgian sites;
  • in newspapers or magazines;
  • with the help of an intermediary company;
  • write to companies directly;
  • or entrust the search to a recruiting company (however, you will have to pay a lot here).
The most popular job search sites in Belgium:
  • references;
  • vacancy;
  • jobs career.

Work permit

If you are an EU citizen, you need a residence permit to work in Belgium. This is required if you have a contract for more than 3 months. To work legally, citizens of other countries must first find a job, sign a contract, obtain a work permit and open a work visa.
To get a work permit, you need to determine which category you belong to.
1. Category C
This permit is for those who are temporarily in the country (students, refugees). The permit is issued for one year.
2. Category B
Employers issue this permit to non-EU citizens who are employed in the country for the first time. The validity period is one year, but it can be extended. You have the right to work only with the chosen employer and in the same specialty. It is not possible to change. To apply for this permit, you must have:
    • passport;
    • photographs;
    • documents about education;
    • resume;
    • signed contract.
3. Category A
Such a permit is only for those who have lived in the country for 10 years and have worked for at least 4 years under permit B. If you live in Belgium with your family, you only need 3 years of experience. However, the employee must handle the registration here. With this permission, you can not limit yourself in choosing an employer.

Work visa to Belgium

If you have been officially approved for a workplace, and your employer has issued a permit and an employment contract, you can apply for a work visa.
The following documents are required for this:
  • Foreign passport and its copy.
  • National passport and a copy.
  • 2 photos, size 4.5x3.5 cm.
  • Questionnaire in French, English, or Dutch.
  • A copy of the employment agreement.
  • Health certificate.
  • Certificate of no criminal record.
  • Bank statement on the availability of funds for accommodation.
  • Receipts for payment of consular and service fees.
  • Documents confirming the provision of housing.